Kerbal space program far
Kerbal space program far

kerbal space program far

"Kerbal Space Program 2 will create a whole new generation of space flight experts who will find themselves accidentally learning rocket science. We're also assured that the onboarding process will be greatly improved in Kerbal Space Program 2, with a clearer and more intuitive UI, better tutorials and instructions, and a general focus on improving accessibility across the board: Improved accessibility, UI, tutorials, and instructions These are the things that will allow you to travel across entire star systems in Kerbal Space Program 2. I could talk about all the little snippets of new things revealed in the above gameplay trailer, about nuclear propulsion and inertial confinement fusion and so on (actually I couldn't because I haven't a fuckin' clue what those things are) - but thankfully Scott Manley has already broken down the trailer in his excellent video below. Interstellar travel will be possible in KSP 2, using a variety of new parts and "next-generation technology" to ensure your Kerbonauts get there in one piece. The introduction of colony-building and a larger selection of things to do on each planet is mirrored by an expansion in just how far out you can travel in Kerbal Space Program 2. Interstellar travel with new technologies in Kerbal Space Program 2 How exactly it will work, Star Theory Games have yet to explain, except that it will remain "true to the spirit of the original Kerbal Space Program". The prospect of multiplayer is a very exciting one for many KSP veterans.


Modding was a huge aspect of the original KSP, with in-depth mods appearing very soon after the game was first released in Early Access and consistently pushing the frontier of what was possible further and further outwards, with new parts, new planets, new mechanics, and so on.


Kerbal Space Program 2 Multiplayer and Modding confirmedĪnother big selling point of the game is that Star Theory Games have confirmed full Kerbal Space Program 2 multiplayer and modding support. With time and success you'll even be able to start constructing and launching craft from these colonies as well. We're assured that these colonies will pose numerous challenges, from gathering the resources required to build and maintain everything to the actual construction of "structures, space stations, habitations, and unique fuel types". That's right: this time round you're not only in charge of constructing and piloting spacecraft, but you are also responsible for expanding Kerbal territory outwards from Kerbin and the Kerbal System as a whole. Below we've outlined the main confirmed changes to the original space-faring formula.Ĭonstruct colonies in Kerbal Space Program 2īy far the most ambitious new gameplay feature that Star Theory Games are adding to Kerbal Space Program 2 is the introduction of colonies. This trailer, and the information that Star Theory Games have revealed to the public so far, has given us a fair idea of what's changing this time round in terms of Kerbal Space Program 2 gameplay. A mashup of beautiful interstellar vistas and glimpses of various new gameplay features that Star Theory Games are bringing to the KSP franchise, it does exactly what a good trailer should do. This Kerbal Space Program 2 trailer is really quite fantastic, in my opinion. Kerbal Space Program 2 trailer - new gameplay revealed What we do know, however, is that when it arrives it'll be coming to Steam as well as potentially "other digital storefronts" according to the press release. Beyond that, no details have yet been given. That is, we know it's coming sometime in 2020, most likely in the first quarter of the year. The Kerbal Space Program 2 release date has been. We'll go through everything we know about the upcoming Kerbal Space Program 2 below, from release date information to in-depth trailer analysis, confirmed new gameplay features, and more.

kerbal space program far


This sequel to the much-beloved spaceflight simulator looks to improve upon its predecessor in a great many ways, from multiplayer support to colonisation and interstellar travel. Kerbal Space Program 2 was not an announcement that we expected to appear with this year's Gamescom Opening Night Live event, but it's certainly one that caught everyone's eye.

Kerbal space program far